Virtual Field Trip Sign Up Form

Riverside is pleased to offer virtual field trip opportunities for schools. If you are unable to visit Riverside in person—or want to enhance your in-person field trip experience—this series of videos and suggested activities are a good option for you!

When you register for this field trip, you will gain access to 10 short videos along with several accompanying activities and writing prompts. While each video highlights aspects of the history of Riverside, they also focus on the types of evidence that historians and archaeologists use to learn about the past. Students are encouraged to think like the history detectives who continue to learn about the rich history at Riverside.

With the purchase of a PLUS tier, schools can choose to add a livestream interaction with one of the archaeologists at Riverside to their field trip for an additional $75.

Virtual Field Trip Sign Up Form

Virtual Field Trip
Title 1 Schools: Riverside can offer Title I schools FREE admission to this virtual field trip experience, thanks to a generous grant from LG&E – KU. If you are a Title I school, please upload a letter from your school principal/administrator acknowledging your school’s status. As long as donor funds are available, we will grant your school free access to the field trip. You will be notified with an access code for the field trip after we receive your school’s letter! Call 502.935.6809 with any questions.
Title I Schools Click Here

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